In the California workplace, all workers should feel safe, however, due to engrained prejudices, not everyone does.
Harassment in the workplace is unacceptable and creates a toxic work environment for those subjected to it.
If you are experiencing workplace harassment by a co-worker or your employer, there are legal remedies that can be taken. In California, workplace harassment is unlawful and our skilled legal team is here to support you. At Ghozland Law Firm, we understand how painful and difficult harassment matters can be.
No one should have to suffer from workplace harassment, yet it is all too common. That's why Ghozland Law Firm works hard to fight against workplace harassment and ensure that your rights are protected. Our team of knowledgeable attorneys has extensive experience with California state laws regarding workplace harassment and can provide legal support to individuals who are experiencing such situations.
We understand that being harassed in the workplace can be extremely traumatic and disruptive, so we strive to make the legal process as stress-free as possible for our clients. Our lawyers will assess your situation carefully and work with you to develop a plan of action tailored just for you. We'll gather evidence based on any documents, emails, or verbal exchanges related to the incident(s). If necessary, our legal team can also provide representation at any hearings or court proceedings related to your case.
At Ghozland Law Firm, we take workplace harassment cases seriously and are dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals who are experiencing it. If you need qualified legal support concerning workplace harassment, don't hesitate to contact us today. Together, we can work towards a successful resolution and help put an end to this unacceptable behavior.
What Constitutes Harassment?
There are many forms of harassment that can occur in the workplace. The Fair Employment and Housing Act legally defines the term harassment as any unwanted or offensive behavior targeted against a protected class that is either pervasive or severe. Harassment can either be sexual or non-sexual with a basis founded from prejudices against an individual or group. Whether the harassment is malicious or unintentional it may result in adverse consequences to your career.
Non-sexual harassment in the workplace can be just as damaging as sexual harassment but is often overlooked or underestimated. It is important to understand what forms non-sexual harassment may take and how to recognize it when it occurs. Examples of non-sexual workplace harassment include making offensive jokes, belittling comments about an employee's work or abilities, spreading gossip or rumors about an employee, using derogatory language to describe certain groups of people, displaying offensive images or symbols in the workplace, and purposefully excluding someone from work activities.
If you believe you are being harassed in the workplace, it is important to speak up against this behavior. The best way to do this is by filing a complaint with your employer’s human resources department. Your employer has a responsibility to provide a safe working environment that is free from discrimination, threats, and other forms of harassment. If you feel that your complaint is not being taken seriously or addressed appropriately, you may want to consider consulting an attorney who specializes in employment law for further advice and support.
No one should ever have to face workplace harassment or any form of discrimination and we must be aware of the different kinds of harassment that exist so we can protect ourselves and others from these situations. It is important to remember that we all have the right to work in an environment where our dignity and safety are respected. By knowing your rights and speaking up, you can help prevent workplace harassment and create a safe and respectful environment for everyone. It is important to take the necessary steps to address workplace harassment if it occurs so that we can make sure all employees are treated equally and with respect. Everyone should be able to feel safe in the workplace.