Your Insurance Adjuster is Not On Your Side

Many auto accident victims are under the mistaken impression that once they file their insurance claim, the adjuster assigned to their case will swoop in to save the day. Unfortunately, this is generally far from the truth. Insurance companies, even your own, are not on your side.
Insurance companies are interested in settling accident claims as quickly and cheaply as possible. After all, their bottom line is the focus. In order to accomplish to achieve a quick and inexpensive resolution to your case, adjusters will engage in a number of misleading tactics in order to convince you to accept a lower settlement amount than you deserve. With the right accident attorney on your side, you will not have to worry about this injustice.
Communicating with the Insurance Adjuster
Once you file your claim, you will be assigned an insurance adjuster who will want to take your statement. The adjuster will offer answers to common questions (can I get a rental car? who will repair my vehicle?) and appear to be as helpful as can be. At the same time, he will probably be handling over 100 other claims and not be entirely focused on you and your injuries. In many cases, adjusters often ignore phone calls with the hope that you will get so frustrated, you will simply give up. Is this who you want advocating for your interests? Of course not!
Adjusters are also always aware of the statute of limitations on your claim. In California, after an auto accident, there is a limit on how long you have to file a lawsuit. If your adjuster and the insurance company let your claim hang in no-man's-land forever, they know you will likely miss the statute of limitations.
Be Careful About What You Sign
Your insurance company will want you to sign a number of documents and more than one could come back to haunt you. For example, you could sign a waiver authorizing the insurance company to access your medical records or settle your claim -- for far less than you deserve. Before signing anything the insurance company sends over, talk to your accident attorney. Your lawyer can review the documents and let you know the best course of action.
In short, it is best to deal with insurance companies with an advocate on your side -- your attorney. For a free, no obligation consultation about your potential accident claim, contact the experienced accident attorneys at Ghozland Law Firm today.