Winter Months and Car Accidents in Los Angeles

Though perhaps not as extreme as other parts of the nation, our Los Angeles winter can bring challenging road conditions for tired drivers. Shorter days, colder weather, and rain can contribute to auto accidents of all kinds, including car and pedestrian accidents.
For drivers in Los Angeles, poor visibility and colder temperatures can create distractions on top of the typical distractions such as texting, eating, or applying make up. This can be an issue when driving in a highly populated pedestrian area such as Downtown Los Angeles or West Hollywood. To avoid accidentally hitting a pedestrian in a crosswalk, drivers should be extra cautious when approaching crosswalks and come to a complete stop. Also, be on the look out for jaywalkers crossing the street at places not marked for pedestrians.
As is the case throughout the year, Los Angeles drivers should refrain from any activities that could cause additional distractions, such as reaching for a cell phone while driving or texting and driving. Study after study shows that holding a smartphone while driving creates a tremendous distraction for a driver and becomes a safety hazard for pedestrians and other cars on the road. If you need to text someone, pull over to the closest gas station and send your text!
Accidents arising from distracted driving do happen, and consulting a personal injury attorney may make sense in your particular situation. For a free, no obligation consultation, contact the experienced attorneys at Ghozland Law Firm today.