California Truck Accidents: Determining Liability

Truck accidents have the potential to be absolutely life changing. They can cause permanent disability or result in deadly injuries. Despite the serious nature of California truck accidents, it’s not always easy to determine exactly who is at fault. This is where the skill and experience of a top accident attorney will be critical.
What Is Fault in a Truck Accident?
When it comes to all types of auto accidents, the person who was at fault is considered negligent. Negligence, in plain terms, means that someone had a legal duty to do something (or to not do something, such as not running a stop light) and they breached that duty. Their breach caused someone to experience some sort of injury. An injury can be physical, mental, or relate to car / property damage.
Determining Liability in a California Truck Accident
Because the trucking industry and the mass transit industry often involve private contracts, determining liability isn’t always as simple as pointing the finger at the driver. There are other parties who may hold just as much of, if not more of, the fault. For you, the accident victim, this means other parties to collect financial compensation for your injuries from.
Other potentially liable parties can include:
- The owner of the truck (the driver may only be contracted to drive it) or the trucking company
- The company contracted to performance on the truck
- The manufacturing company of the truck
- A parts company who provided a defective part for the truck
- In the case of a mass transit vehicle of any kind, a school board, a private busing company, or a government agency
This list is not exhaustive and every truck accident case is unique. Discuss yours with your truck accident lawyer.
Victims Benefit from Working with an Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer
As you’ve learned, determining who may be responsible for the injuries you suffered in a truck accident isn’t always easy. This is why it is important to get the legal help you need. Working with an experienced truck accident lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve while holding the proper parties accountable.
For a free, no obligation consultation regarding your truck accident, contact the experienced truck accident attorneys at Ghozland Law Firm today.