3 Ways to Protect Your Legal Rights After a Los Angeles Car Accident

If you’ve been injured in a car accident in Los Angeles that was not your fault, know that you have legal rights. Unfortunately, your insurance company may not be be interested in doing what is best for you. Therefore, without an attorney by your side, it is up to you to be aware of your rights and to understand that there are some steps you can take to make sure that those rights are protected.
Get a Police Report
Even if your car accident takes places on private property, call the police and ask for an informational report to be taken. A police report can help you, the involved insurance companies, and your accident attorney understand what happened and who may be at fault. You will not receive a copy of the report the day of the car accident. You’ll be given a report number. You can call the responding police station a few days later and ask how you can get a few copies of the report.
Get Medical Care
You may not feel like you were seriously injured -- even if you were involved in a serious car accident. However, you should seek medical care right away. There are two main reasons why. First, you could have internal injuries. When we’re involved in stressful situations, such as a car accident, our bodies begin to function on adrenaline. You may feel less pain or no pain even if you’re hurt. Also, internal injuries don’t always give us symptoms until there is a more serious issue. Second, if you don’t get medical care right away, the insurance company could use that against you if you end up in court. They could say things such as the car accident didn’t actually cause you any injury because you didn’t immediately get medical treatment. They could say that the accident didn’t hurt you and that you were hurt before the car accident. They may offer you less money claiming you don't need it.
Of course, if you don’t have a medical emergency, you don’t have to call 911. You can call your doctor and book an appointment or you can go to urgent care. Just make sure that you keep any receipts from any place you go for medical treatment. You may be able to receive reimbursement for those visits, medications, or other necessities.
Talk with a Los Angeles Car Accident Attorney
As soon as you can, make an appointment to speak with a Los Angeles car accident attorney. The attorney can review the facts of your case and let you know what they believe is in your best interest. Hiring a the right accident lawyer is the best way that you can make sure that your legal rights are protected.
If the insurance company contacts you and asks you to sign a settlement agreement, do not sign until a car accident attorney can review the documents to determine if that is in your best interest. For a free, no obligation consultation about your potential case, contact the attorneys at Ghozland Law Firm today.